baejohn OPMs. Michelle Leah – Model Michelle is a Florida based model in her early twenties. - What is your life like at this moment? does it differ from when these photos were taken? As normal as anyone’s, I imagine… I’ve always tried to be an open-minded person, so I’ve never considered sexual expression as anything to be ashamed of, so I really couldn’t say that I feel any different now as opposed to before I started modeling for fun – not money, by the way – maybe for other photographers/artists I’d charge, but we have other arrangements. ? I am a little bit of an exhibitionist I guess. I never wear underwear, but that’s mainly for comfort purposes. And I do give the odd nonchalant up-skirt every now & then or things like not wearing a bra with a semi-sheer shirt (say that three times fast…), so that’s probably why i like doing shoots like those; it’s a nice release and I like seeing the end result. Other than that sort of fun, life at the moment is occupied with being a student (pre-med) & a full-time employee (front-desk work). - What are you most thankful for? […] I guess it would have to be for anything good in my life that I am fortunate enough to chance upon: friends, new experiences, love, etc. I try to be thankful for everything, honestly. I just love feeling alive. -Exerpt from Fox Harvard interviewing Ms. Michelle for PUREFILTH Magazine Vol.2.5