They deleted over 100 of my videos and it's been getting faster so I'm probably gonna retire 🫡

They deleted over 100 of my videos and it's been getting faster so I'm probably gonna retire 🫡 #w4KENfmt


SnowbunnySanctum OP literally in the past week over 300 of my videos were deleted. Not complaining but the site is mainstream now, so stuff isn't going to stay up like it used to
flakypickle Happening to me as well! And u think im shadow banned too.
littledeath03 Damn. Sorry that happened to you.
asshole11 They got 8 of mine today
BigDickMclovin Nooo! Don't retire
Thundra666 I knew that when they started handing out blue checkmarks the site would get worse eventually. Happens every damn time.
ogthotexposer Same here, thats why I stop posting often
datholiday21 I understand the frustration bro. When Sp@nkb@ng would delete all my videos, I just said fuck it and stopped posting
awaythrow611 Wish you wouldn't leave, but I respect it and you will be missed bro
homicideboy we just need a new site 👀 what’s the word?
SnowbunnySanctum OP Yeah guys I'm probably not gonna leave for but the uploads are gonna slow down and reuploads will probably be rare
NastyNasir Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens when these sites start getting too much attention.
BigDickMclovin Btw, snowbunnysanctum, there is something called, Branditscan. If u look it up on twitter, its a subscription that searchs the web for key words... maybe don't put the names of the pornstars or amateurs in the title? Idk if that's gonna help, but may
BigDickMclovin Darlingkiyomi is promoting it like crazy on her twitter...
SnowbunnySanctum OP Yes I know what Branditscan is. As you can tell, even encrypted names get taken down. Also videos with no names get taken down as well. They target the exact video now, regardless of whether a name is in it or not
BigDickMclovin Damn, thats crazy!
Pakilisyork 😨😨😨😰😰
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