She seems to be clean. These are recent updates on her Tik Tok. The famous Melony Jo Capriotti


brambleman she's nice with it
Fitzgibbee Melony was a young legend on those streets
Kelevra88 Thank goodness shes still young and has her looks. The drugs often take away all that. Glad shes tryna get herself back on track, get her kid back. But damn i wanna sample that mouth
Roc83 OP Me too bro her mouth looks like it feels good
Willyt100 I wonder how she will get over the fact that she’s on video swallowing cum in the backseat of some car. Smh I truly hopes she stays clean though
Roc83 OP Me too bro but that has to be bothering her but i enjoyed watching it
Mdb2943 Yes she is a legend i remember fucking her for about 3hours one night cool girl very fun
PleasantSnake She needs to start gettimg high again lol.i should do a side by sidevid of her
grizzly409 Pity we never saw her actually being fucked i bet she was a good fuck
PleasantSnake Shed only be a good fuck if she was high
Samuelbbc She needs to start an off. If not no worries, won’t be long until she is back on the streets 😈
Samuelbbc That first vid looks like she got a bit of 🍑. If she gains some weight, with the way she sucks dick, would make for an epic video
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