She Aint Goin Nowhere



HardKreepy Ahh I remember this old vid where’d u find the full vid ? Xvids?
Jaygrim If that's her response. You don't know wtf u doing 😂😂😂
344890 Jay the simp us men don’t give a fuck about no bitch response only you simps 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s for our pleasure not theirs and we don’t pay for you like you truck ass simps we get it free
344890 And if we didn’t know what we was doing they wouldn’t keep coming back now would they lol
344890 These bitches suck in bed lol you seeing the proof lol
Jaygrim They don't know better just like you don't. I've posted some stuff about how to fuck.... You should study. Clearly you have no idea what you're doing.
strangeraeons918 Yall niggas are weird fr and probably shouldnt be around females. Yall the type of fuckboys that grape broads. Ole serial killer logic havin ass. dOnT gIvE fUcK aBoUt a bItCH rEsPoNsE . Weird ass nigga. Seek therepy
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