Bri Torres

Bri Torres #iX2Jxsf3
Bri Torres #7c6JGTrW
Bri Torres #nb2iNyOz
Bri Torres #faVdWuAr
Bri Torres #YTXAueqr
Bri Torres #L8fO6hP6


RaxxJaxor Fuck she makes me hard
Xylite02 Biggest candidate for rhinoplasty right there
Acheron666 Xylite02 If you look at a wonderful woman like that and the only comment you have to make is about her nose, I have news for you my friend
Xylite02 It's not news. She's incredibly mediocre. If she didn't dress in cosplay to placate to weak men (simps) there would be nothing special about her. Not sorry, there are thousands that are better without a witch nose.
Acheron666 You love dick and you're not ready to assume
Xylite02 Nowhere in your lack of response did you say I was wrong. You bringing up dick at all is feminine. Stay mad.
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