If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore

If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #oYsN7REy
If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #m8zaV6nH
If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #qt18vhA2
If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #gEeQUVeZ
If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #6I3QkQeF
If your girl is posting like this…. Just know that ain’t yo girl 👀👀👀😏Delaware attention whore #QxCKlG94


[supprimé] Worthless slut
Jklollillol Shes just in a bikini wtf is wrong w u
Kinky20 OP She’s clearly putting herself on display for attention so we just giving this attention whore what she’s wants lol I probably wouldn’t have posted her if she didn’t cheat on her man’s multiple time Facebook is for family and friends not thirst trap
KhromeDaddy hahahahah mfer you need to go outside
Jklollillol Posting in a bathing suit isnt thirst trapping u have no concept of how ppl think or how the world works if u actually think that way
Kinky20 OP You both clearly have no clue about human nature and psychology and how the female and male brains work. Clearly she’s putting her body on display for everyone else to see.
Jklollillol Yeah everyone else can see it but it doesnt mean shes doing it to afvertise her body, ure worldview is childish and stupid and u clearly havent spoken to any woman ever and u have no idea what ure talking abt.
Jklollillol Theres a huge differnece between advertising ure sexual advances on the internet and just posting a pic of ureself happy at the beach on the internet.
Kinky20 OP You sound like a fucking simp😂😂😂😭😭😭 literally simping over some whore you don’t even know while I actually know her and grew up with her and trust me she’s fucking 1 of the people in her likes, and it ain’t her bf 😂😂😂alright enough fun no
Jklollillol Im not a simp idk her, im not attracted to her and it shouldnt matter what shes doing nobody deserves to be shamed in this way. U are immature and dumb.
KhromeDaddy Simping is only a thig on the internet, greasy incel. Grow the fuck up and stop being a sad little clown. You're just mad she doesn't want nothing with you. That much is pretty clear.
Jklollillol I dont even know her, im arguing that talking abt anyone this way is wrong and im not an incel. The ideas u ppl are pushing are incel ideas, for example, her posting pics on the internet in a bathing suit is cause for slut shaming, which it isnt.
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